Our debut album is well underway know. We are just in the process of fine tuning the mix, and working towards the master. It's sounding fantastic - very dark, very heavy!
The artwork is almost finished; an amazing piece by a fabulous artist whom we are thrilled to be working with. All will be revealed soon.
We have returned from an amazing trip to the Siege of Limerick. Thanks to everyone who watched us play, came to chat to us and bought our merch. We appreciate your support. Thanks to all the staff during the event; it was great to have someone run the merch for us, staff to watch our gear, and the very helpful sound engineer! Sincere kudos to John for arranging the event and having us on board - we hope to part of the event again in the future. Hails to Giz from Limerick Rock Radio for the interview as well - we will have a link to the audio at some stage too. We have at least one more show before the end of the year - updates to follow!
The Crawling Interview - Dark Underground Zine 1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band? The Crawling is made up of three guys who have a combined love of slow, miserable, death metal type music. All of us have been in various bands throughout the years, and, with the exception of Gary, there was a bit of a lull output wise; so Stuart decided to start a death metal band. He asked me to join on guitar, we refined our sound a bit and, finally Gary joined on drums - the trio was complete! 2.How would you describe your musical sound? Everyone has their own take on these sort of questions. Personally, i hear a slow death/doom metal band, and i think the other two guys would pretty much agree. That said, there have been a few reviewers who have mentioned a 'black metal' sound to our latter material. So, i suppose The Crawling are a slow death, doom, black metal ensemble! 3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subje...
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