The Crawling Interview - Dark Underground Zine 1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band? The Crawling is made up of three guys who have a combined love of slow, miserable, death metal type music. All of us have been in various bands throughout the years, and, with the exception of Gary, there was a bit of a lull output wise; so Stuart decided to start a death metal band. He asked me to join on guitar, we refined our sound a bit and, finally Gary joined on drums - the trio was complete! 2.How would you describe your musical sound? Everyone has their own take on these sort of questions. Personally, i hear a slow death/doom metal band, and i think the other two guys would pretty much agree. That said, there have been a few reviewers who have mentioned a 'black metal' sound to our latter material. So, i suppose The Crawling are a slow death, doom, black metal ensemble! 3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subje...
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